
營養(yǎng)方面缺乏某些營養(yǎng)素的飲食,或含有拮抗物質(zhì),營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)被破壞,或營養(yǎng)素的吸收和利用受到阻礙,鴨子會遭受營養(yǎng)缺乏,排便。 1.蛋白質(zhì)和氨基酸。鴨毛中的蛋白質(zhì)含量高達90%,鴛鴦鴨苗價格苗圖片,其中角蛋白占蛋白質(zhì)的85%至90%。當飼料中的蛋白質(zhì)含量不足或蛋白質(zhì)的氨基酸類型不完全時,羽毛的生長和發(fā)育可能受到嚴重影響,從而引起羽化現(xiàn)象。特別注意的事實是,當硫和含硫氨基酸缺乏時,它會直接影響角蛋白的合成,角蛋白是羽毛的主要成分,鴛鴦鴨苗價格多少錢一只,導致鴨子體內(nèi)的羅氏體病,尤其是鴨子,有的甚至在全身都是脫發(fā)。無法成長。缺乏蛋氨酸,鴨子生長發(fā)育,肌肉萎縮,羽毛暗沉,從而脫落;缺乏甘氨酸,鴨毛生長發(fā)育,并有脫落,肢體肥大,小鴛鴦鴨苗價格,活動緩慢。


卵,鴨和鵝的育雛期是指0至6周齡,這是卵,鴨和鵝整個生長過程中的重要階段。業(yè)內(nèi)有一種“終生5周”的說法。這一階段不僅影響小鴨和鵝的成活率和生長,而且影響未來產(chǎn)蛋的生產(chǎn)性能。為了成功培育和培育你的節(jié)目中的小鴨和鵝,有必要找出育雛期間的問題并解決它們。 1,鴨鵝優(yōu)質(zhì)鴨鵝的質(zhì)量與育雛的成敗有關。當鴨子和鵝被引入鴨子和鵝時,通常很難理解事實。因此,要抓好產(chǎn)區(qū)疫情調(diào)查,了解產(chǎn)區(qū)生存率和均勻度。鴨鵝養(yǎng)殖場應有《種畜禽生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營許可證》,管理規(guī)定,鴛鴦鴨苗價格,無重大流行病,白利,白雪病等疾病已經(jīng)凈化,并持有原產(chǎn)地檢疫證書。

The effect of temperature on feathers is particularly evident in management. In the autumn and winter, if the temperature suddenly becomes low, and the heating fails to keep up, or in the cold winter, the heating conditions of the duck house nei are too bad, causing the temperature inside the house to be too low, which can cause the duck to be feathered. And accompanied by a sharp drop in egg production. At the same time, the temperature of the ducklings during the brooding process is too high, which will make the ducklings not have long hair on a large area of the skin for a long time. Once an obstacle occurs in the drinking water system, it will cause long-term water loss. The ducks will be defeated under such severe stress, accompanied by a decrease in egg production or an outbreak of other diseases. In addition, the ventilation is poor, the ducks are stimulated by harmful gases for a long period of time; or the light is too strong, and the density and humidity are too large, which can cause the ducks to feed on the feathers of their own bodies or other ducks, thus causing serious paralysis. Feathers that are common in the tail and back are detached.xx
